We understand that the information you enter into the Longshore Injury Hotline mobile app needs to be securely stored so you’ll never lose your time entries or injury reports, and needs to be easily accessible to you – and only you.
That’s why we ask you to create a secure log-in with your email address and a password the first time you tap on the Time Tracker or the Injury & Accident Reporting tool. As you’ll see in this tutorial, this secure log-in is part of what make it possible for us to safely store all of your entries and make sure only you have access to them.
Watch the following video tutorial or read the Accessing & Saving Your Information Tutorial below.
When you see this icon, click for a visual tutorial.
When you signup using your email address and set a password, you’re creating an account on a secure database now referred to as “the cloud.” Storing data on “the cloud” simply means that your data is not stored physically on your device or computer; it’s stored on secure external servers that have the capacity to hold a massive amount of information so you can safely store years of time entries, and they are backed up many time over, so your information is protected.
Another advantage of storing data on “the cloud” is accessibility – you can access your data from just about any Internet connected device – including your app, your personal computer and laptop.
If you use a web mail service such as gmail, yahoo and hotmail, or if you have ever uploaded a photo or video to Facebook – you’re already using the cloud.
Watch a quick video to learn more about The Cloud here or here.
So now that you know how your time entries are safely stored on “the cloud,” there are two ways you can access your entries: 1) from the app, and 2) from a secure web portal.
From the App: Email / Export
One option to access your time entries is directly from the Longshore Injury Hotline mobile app.
At the bottom of your Time Tracker screen, there is an “Email” button. When you tap Email, you’ll see a screen prompting you to select a date range of the time entries you would like to access.
Tap the white entry boxes, and scroll to select the date ranges – then hit done.
A spreadsheet has now been sent to the email address you used to sign into the app with all your work information and hours for the dates you selected.
From the Cloud: Secure Web Portal
The second option to access your time entries is through our secure web portal.
Here is where the cloud comes into play. Simply visit our website, 888Longies.com and click on the User Login button. Here you’ll be asked for the email and password you entered when you created you account on the app. If you don’t remember your password, simply click on “Forgot Password?” enter your email address and your password will be sent to you.
When you’ve logged in you’ll first see a table of all your time entries with your most recent entry at the top. From here, you can download a copy of all your time entries. Just select the “Download” button.
You can choose to download all of your time entries, or select a date range.
This secure web portal is also where you’ll access your injury reports.
Here, again, you’ll see a table of any injury reports you have saved. Tap on “View” to see all the details you entered. From here you can see the photos you captured, play the videos you recorded and listen to audio notes.
If you want a copy of this report, simply tap the Download button, select the date of the injury report you want, and a spreadsheet with all the information you entered will download to your computer.
One of the most significant advantages to having your data stored on “the cloud” is that you will never lose your time entries.
If data appears to be gone
Even if, worst case scenario, your phone or app crashes – for whatever reason – and your app appears to have lost all the data you have entered. Fear not, your data has not been lost. Simply contact us by visiting our website, 888Longies.com, and we’ll be able to provide you with instructions to restore the data from the cloud back to your app.
If phone is lost or damaged
Same goes if you ever lose your phone, or your phone is damaged and you have to purchase a new smartphone. Just re-downlaod the FREE app from the App Store, and log-in using the same email and password as when you first created your app account. You’ll see all your time entries in the app and you can seamlessly pick back up right where you left off.
While we are very confident in the safety and security of your data, it is always a good idea to have your own data backup process. You can make your data even more secure by simply exporting your time from the app, or downloading your time from the web once a month or with whatever frequency you are comfortable with. You can keep your downloaded entries on your computer hard drive, and/or save it to an external storage device such as a CD or flash drive.